Monday, October 8, 2007

mariposas and a shower.

this weekend some sweet girls threw a bridal shower; sko made it up from houston and a good time was had by all. photo documentation compliments of katybird.

we were happy to see each other.

tongue action.

shower babes.

sko really wanted a butterfly to keep for himself...

just call me butterfly.

Monday, August 27, 2007

We are Modern.


In spite of our general resistance to newfangled modern gizmos (though sko does have a mac) we have tentatively decided to enter the world of blog. You may shake your head, but you're not fooling anyone. We know you will read this regularly.

This is an attempt to stay in touch. Please take advantage of it and don't get mad when we don't answer our cell phones. Cell phones are for liberals.

meg and sko.